How Common are Dental Restorations?

How Common are Dental Restorations? from Dental 32 in Phoenix, AZDental restorations include several fairly routine dental procedures and are therefore very common. Here is a description of dental restorations and some of the most frequently utilized types available in dental offices throughout the country today.

What are dental restorations and why are they necessary?

Restorations are methods a dentist can employ to restore teeth to as close to their original state as possible and prevent a patient from experiencing pain. These procedures become necessary as a result of tooth decay, deterioration, or fracture.

According to the National Institute of Health statistics from 1999 through 2004, the number of Americans between the ages of 20 and 64 with teeth and mouths in fair or poor condition is approximately 36%. This means that many people are in need of oral healthcare in the form of dental restorations.

Dental restorations are necessary when there is a loss of tooth structure. The loss can be caused by injuries to the teeth or by tooth decay. The restorations fix broken, chipped, or cracked teeth. Further, they fix dental issues caused by serious cavities. The type of dental restoration needed depends upon the type and level of damage sustained to a tooth.

What are the types of dental restorations?


The most common type of dental restoration is fillings. Their name is fitting because they literally fill a tooth cavity using a variety of materials referred to as composite resin fillings. According to the National Institute of Health, 92% of adults aged 20 to 64 have dental cavities in their permanent teeth. This means that the vast majority of American adults have had the need for dental restorations.


Crowns are used by dentists to address several oral health issues. Uses include strengthening teeth with large fillings, attaching bridges, protecting weak teeth from breaking, and restoring a broken tooth. Additional uses include covering poorly shaped or discolored teeth. Essentially, crowns are caps in the shape of a tooth placed over an actual tooth to restore its functionality. It is estimated that around 15 million Americans have at least one crown in their mouth.


Bridges are false teeth that are meant to fill a gap of one or more teeth in a mouth. They can be fixed in place using crowns and then cemented into place permanently. These dental restorations can be made of alloys, gold, porcelain, or a mixture of those materials. With good oral hygiene, bridges can last between ten and 15 years. According to Boston Magazine, approximately 69% of all adults aged 44 or older are missing at least one tooth. Many have had dental restoration in the form of dental bridges inserted to replace their missing teeth.

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Since so many American adults are either missing teeth or have fair or poor oral health, according to statistics, dental restorations are extremely common. They can help restore people's smiles as well as their ability to chew and speak comfortably.

Request an appointment or call Dental 32 at 602-466-9906 for an appointment in our Phoenix office.

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